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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sex without sex

Step by step the high technology will substitute the human in intimate relationships. Even, the relations like these will not exist in the future. Some scientists think in the same way. For a period of 10 years, they have made some studies related to sexual life of couples.

The professor of Massachusetts technological University, Marvin Minsky, prognosticates the appearance of brain stimulation, which will call a simple orgasm, or will permit to achieve sexual satisfaction mentally.

The mobile and online games companies are interested in the appearance of these devices. Minsky is dead sure that sex without sex will be a reality soon.

The question is only in time. Some years ago, in USA was created a prototype of humanlike device “Hug” – which has substituted the children caresses. This human like form was created for grandpa and grandma, which can’t discuss with their grandchildren.

First of all, Hug dials a programmed telephone number (it’s sufficient to shake its left hand and pronounce the name of subscriber), then the robot transmits all stroking and tips according to its intended purpose. In this case, it’s created the illusion of physical contact.

The author of this creation, Carl DiSilvano, the researcher from Carnegie - Malone University, thinks that this social orientated project could find a use in the erotica entertainment sphere.

Of course, this amusement will not be cheap and very primitive.

This is a simple device which will fill the virtual sex with real feelings, even now it is winning the market.

Steve Rods, the president of Sinulate Entertainment, affirms that over the last three years its company have sold millions products for intimate discussion via Internet. It’s talking about hard peripheries (vibrators and so on), which can be remotely managed – from another ending of wire. Demand for these products, according to Rods, have whirled upward since the beginning of War in Iraq.

It seems that Sadam Hussein involuntary gave a stimulus for American sex toys development. According to Julia Herman, the director of Kinsey Institute for sexual problems, genre and reproduction from Indiana University, soon we will have the possibility to create for ourselves a sexual partner as we like and want.

Moreover, the sense of “virtual” will lose its original sense, because the new devices will permit to perceive the sexual partner practically with all sense organs.

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